Monday, March 27, 2006

Roll Film

As the world goes digital, I seem to be moving more and more Old School. Last fall, when I mail-ordered Rodinal, I had to order some film as a make-weight to meet the dollar minimum. So I bought a few rolls of the most obscure film that I could think of that I've actually been meaning to try: Ilford's Delta 3200, in 120.

When that arrived, I dusted off the MF cameras. Rediscovering the Rollei was so satisfying that rather than wait for my B&W results, I stopped in at Photo-Lab and bought the slowest color print film they had on hand:

Feb 11, 2006: 1 roll Portra 100 UC $5.27 + 8% = $5.69
(Nice that I could buy a single roll on a whim, but it's only $3.99 at B&H. It's fully 30% more expensive locally.)

Kodak has stopped selling "DP-12 for 120", but they still *honor* them. So I sent it off to District Photo, 16 day turnaround.
(ALSO just like the old days...)

And seeing THOSE results was so much fun that this weekend I stopped in NYC to stock up on 120.

March 25, 2006 K&M Camera, 1st & 23rd AND Broadway (8.375% tax)
16 asst'd rolls of 120:

2 Reala @ $2.59
4 Pan-F+ @ 2.95
2 Plus-X @ 3.07
2 Tri-X 320 @ 3.24
4 Tri-x 400 @ 3.19
2 HP5+ @ 2.59
2 Delta 400 @ 2.74

(and 4 rolls of the last Agfa APX 400 135-36 @ 2.99)
$67.24 + $5.46 tax = $72.70 total
that's $59.74 for eighteen 120 films ($3.32 each)
and $12.96/ four 35mm ($3.24)

Notice a couple of things:
- I can buy 100-speed Fuji in NY for HALF the price of 100 EK here locally.
- Reala (color!) is CHEAPER than most B&W films.

And note the discovery of "K&M Camera": B&H prices, and open on SATURDAY! (Where has THAT been all my life?)

In other "120" news:
researching the camera ads, we learn that K64 was available in 120 from 1986 to 1996. The final processing run was a few years later (1999?).

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