Sunday, October 14, 2012

One thing leads to another

I recently read A Romance on Three Legs, about Glenn Gould's search for the Right piano.  

In passing, it mentioned that Gould's favorite of his own recordings was 1971's A Consort of Musicke Bye William Byrde & Orlando Gibbons.   

OK, I'm game: it's for sale, and for only $2.88! (plus $2.98 shipping, but still...).

And - sure enough -  it really IS terrific. (I think it's my favorite new-to-me album of 2012.)

OK, time to scour my shelves for more of this stuff:  hey, how about that - this spring I found a Hyperion disc of David Moroney playing keyboard music of Wm. Byrd.  ($1 at a library sale...)

Turns out, Moroney has done a seven-CD set of the complete Byrd keyboard music.

On the one hand, I mourn the loss of Tower Records at Lincoln Center; but, on the other hand, it's pretty nice to be able to find this stuff while sitting on the couch. 

Stuff like this was basically never available locally - I always needed to drive to NYC or Boston to find things.

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